Financial services providers

Business-to-business consulting: advising other companies

for more than 30 years.

An experienced partner for your business!

Our team has over 25 years’ experience in auditing and consulting financial services providers, particularly leasing companies and factoring institutions.

Alongside special financial reporting services, such as balancing of accounts in accordance with the German government’s RechKredV act and using industry-specific forms, we are your expert partner here to guide you through all supervisory concerns, e.g. the implementation and application of requirements in accordance with the german:


Credit Services Act

Money Laundering Act

MaRisk (Minimum Requirements for Risk Management)

disclosure issues and related ordinances (GroMiKV, AnzVO)

the Institutional Remuneration Act

real value computation

and other stipulations.

Our partner Per-Olaf Ulrich has produced a range of publications concerning MaRisk and real value computation.

Learn more

Arrange a non-binding initial consultation now

We are also available to offer you comprehensive advice on any issues that may affect financial services providers, such as:

obtaining a business permit

transferring existing accounting systems to RechKredV

transferring existing accounting systems to IFRS

preparing or checking a real value computation

categorising contacts as financial leasing contracts

tax evaluation of contracts and accountancy systems

business tax privilege

and other services.

Our partner Per-Olaf Ulrich is a member of the Association of German Leasing Companies (BDL) and will be happy to arrange an initial consultation at your request.


Just contact us and we will do the rest!