
Business-to-business consulting: advising other companies

for more than 30 years.

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The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has developed a set of regulatory capital requirements which apply to all banks and financial services institutions in European Union member states.

Diese Anforderungen (umgangssprachlich in Anlehnung an Tagungsort oft als „Basel II“ bzw. „Basel III“ bezeichnet) veranlassen Banken dazu, für ihre Mandaten ein „Rating“ durchzuführen. Hier werden seitens der Banken Unternehmen anhand verschiedener Faktoren bewertet und in Rating-Klassifizierungen eingestuft.

These requirements (often referred to as ‘Basel II’ or ‘Basel III’ in reference to the city where the committee holds its conferences) stipulate that banks should produce a ‘rating’ for their business clients. This process involves the banks evaluating companies using a range of various factors and then giving them a rating classification.

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Our service consists of checking your financial situation with your bank and making sure your business is in the best possible shape for the rating process. We also help you implement measures to improve your rating. Here the company’s figures (hard facts) and qualitative information (soft facts) are established and, if needed, optimised.

Using a strength/weakness analysis, we work together with you during the initial stage to examine your company’s current and future circumstances based on these hard and soft facts.

Taking the resulting figures as a basis, we then create a weighted catalogue of possible measures together with you and your business. In this step, we indicate potential paths you could take to minimise existing weaknesses and build on your strengths.

As part of our comprehensive service, we also offer BHU Consulting GmbH clients support during consultations with their respective bank (financial advice).


Just contact us and we will do the rest!